About Life and Death

This omnibus contains five fictional stories, inspired by the tragic events which took place in year 1999. The lives of its main characters are entangled during the bombing of RTS.

In these storylines, we see personal dilemmas of the heroes, generational differences and confrontations, struggle to overcome loneliness. The tragic that shades the movie is a consequence of heroes' unfulfilled destinies increased by the threat of bombing.


The young family with baby on its way, mother and daughter that are trying to overcome mutual alienation, the young man and the girl that are looking for a hope and comfort in each other are just some of the stories of micro dramas of everyday lives. Caught in a D-day, in one place, they are part of bigger picture of life and death. Although there aren't personal nor individual stories related to the victims of the RTS, this motion picture is, nevertheless, one of the kind homage to them.


Genre: Drama
Country of Production: Serbia
Original Title: Delirium Tremens
Year of production: 2019
Duration: 112 'HD
Cast: Jasna Djuricic, Nada Sargin, Milutin Milosevic, Nebojsa Milovanovic, Dragan Petrovic, Dara Dzokic, Danijela Kuzmanovic, Strahinja Blazic, Milica Suznjevic, Natasa Peric, Pavle Mensur, Miodrag Krivokapic, Aleksandar Djurica, Ljubivoje Tadic and many others.
Screenplay: Predrag Perisic
Director: Predrag Velinovic

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петак, 17. мај 2024.
21° C


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