уторак, 03.09.2019, 10:19 -> 10:34
Delirium Tremens
Coming soon...
The movie "Delirium Tremens" is a tribute to the acting profession and to the actor Predrag Ejdus, who has performed in this famous drama play for more than a decade. Director Goran Markovic has adapted the play into a movie and television series. This is a story about the famous actor Dagi who suddenly gets sick. While being in the hospital, with the help of psychodrama, he sets out in search of his own identity.
"This time, I used a very intriguing topic - the relationship between acting and illness. Acting as an illness and illness as acting. In the center of the drama is a famous actor who is so obsessed and addicted to acting that he eventually gets sick from it. However, acting also helps him to save himself", explains the film director.
Genre: Drama
Cauntry of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2019
Duration: 112 minutes HD
Cast: Tihomir Stanic, Gorica Popovic, Anita Mancic, Dragan Petrovic, Igor Djordjevic, Bereda Resit, Milica Zaric, Nada Sargin, Svetozar Cvetkovic, Miodrag Krstovic, Masa Dakic
Screenplay/Directed by: Goran Markovic
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