Historical Studio In The Heart of Belgrade

The popularity of home studios and mobile recording is not a new trend in the recording industry, but those who can afford to make records any way they choose now have an incredible option.


A fully updated Radio Belgrade's STUDIO 6 offers a state-of-the-art recording studio, which is ideal for concert recordings, commercial sessions, film scoring, and even live broadcasts. Our stage can accommodate everything from soloists to ensembles or a small orchestra. And our team of talented engineers can create professional recordings at the highest level of quality using industry standard tools.

We have years of experience producing great music. If you need any help in planning and organizing your recording session or small intimate concert why not get in touch?

Tech Specs:

Audio mixing console Studer Vista X - 40 channels

128 full processing channels on 96 kHz Sample Rate

64 mic inputs with balanced split outputs

Genelec 1237A Tri-Amplified Master Studio Monitor System

Lexicon PCM 96

TC Electronic Music 6000 MKII

TC Electronic Finalizer

ProTools system

Microphones: Neumann, Shure, Shapes, Sennheiser, DPA...


Baldwin Organ, Vibraphone DEAGAN

For more information, please email zorana.bojicic@rts.rs

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четвртак, 02. мај 2024.
15° C


Зашто морамо да славимо Осми март
Re: Ministarka zdravlja????
Акушерско насиље – чије је ћутање неопростиво
Акушерско насиље – чије је ћутање неопростиво
Rad s ljudima
Акушерско насиље – чије је ћутање неопростиво
'Ako smo pali, bili smo padu skloni.'
Акушерско насиље – чије је ћутање неопростиво