The Feast of The Sun

The way we perceive nature has changed profoundly. The deep respect that we had for it, today seems unimaginable, even when we turn to plants for help.

Episode 1: Oreads - The first episode the mini-series "The Feast of the Sun" entitled "Oreads" tells about the world of abundance that was given to us by the Sun - the kingdom of plants. How strong is the connection between people and plants is best seen in the belief of the people who live in villages on Stara Planina (Old Mountain). They believe that it is only because of the miraculous plants with enormous natural powers that the world is not ruled by evil forces, the oreads.


Episode 2: Good day good tree - The second episode of the mini-series "The Feast of the Sun" entitled "Good Day, Good Wood" takes us back to that unreal world when humans and plants were one under the sun, to the time when man was not self-sufficient.


Episode 3: Silver Thistle - Third episode of the mini-series " The Feast of the Sun" entitled "Silver Thistle" tells us about the world of abundance that was given to us by the Sun - the kingdom of plants. Plants are our life companions without whom there is no survival in this world, they are our breadwinners, physicians and guardians of our world.


Episode 4: Plants on Holiday - "Plants on Holiday" is the fourth and the last, winter episode of the mini-series "The Feast of the Sun". We track the plants while they are on vacation, in hibernation, when they are preparing to launch a new circle of life.


Genre: Nature

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2013

Broadcast channel: RTS

Duration: 4 x 30'

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четвртак, 21. новембар 2024.
3° C


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