петак, 19.07.2013, 15:26 -> 10:01
štampajLegend Of Santa Claus
One of the most famous characters worldwide, the one whom all children trust and look forward to and who adults remember their childhood joys by, seems so familiar and yet so mysterious to everyone – Santa Claus.
Is he just a figment of our collective imagination, a symbol of the good and cheerful old man who rewards children for their obedience and announces a happy future? Is there just one Santa Claus or are there many of them? Why do they all look like each other in their generosity and origin in the far north? Why do adults keep preserving the belief in this character by buying presents to their children and posing them as gifts from Santa, only to personify the winter magic and to retain the illusion and faith in the beauty of selfless giving? These are all questions whose answers are sought in the programme "Legend of Santa Claus".
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2013
Broadcast Channel: RTS
Author: Jelena Radovic Jovanovic
Duration: 30' SD
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