This documentary series follows the history of Christianity from its origins in Judea and it sheds light on the personality of Jesus of Nazareth as a promised saviour and God-Man.

It was a time in history when, after a series of civil wars, the Roman Republic transformed itself into an empire which at first discarded, persecuted and punished the newly formed cult which promised eternal life and salvation for all peoples of the empire. Over two hundred and fifty years Christians lived as an unrecognised and illegal religion, only to gain freedom and right to existence in 313 by the Edict of the Emperor Constantine the Great in Milan. The series "313" examines this time and events that followed the Edict of Milan all the way to the 9th century when Slavic tribes, primarily Serbs and Croats, settle in Illyria, and start embracing Christianity that comes from Rome and Constantinople.


Divided into 50-minute episodes and fourteen thematic sections, the series "313" brings testimonies of more than fifty interlocutors: priests, historians, archaeologists, art historians etc. about the most dramatic events in this sacred history. At the same time it interprets the geography of the origins and spread of Christianity.

The crew of our Documentary Programme Division prepared and produced this project for four years. Priceless help was extended by the eminent experts from the following countries: Montenegro, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, Israel, Palestine, and of course, Serbia. The series abounds in exclusive footages of the most important and most beautiful Christian temples that have remained monuments of Christian existence and belief to this very day.

Genre: History, Christianity

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2013

Broadcast channel: RTS

Authors: Prof. Radivoj Radic, Tatjana Fero

Number of episodes: 14 x 60' SD

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Коментари који садрже вређање, непристојан говор, непроверене оптужбе, расну и националну мржњу као и нетолеранцију било какве врсте неће бити објављени. Говор мржње је забрањен на овом порталу. Коментари се морају односити на тему чланка. Предност ће имати коментари граматички и правописно исправно написани. Коментаре писане великим словима нећемо објављивати. Задржавамо право избора и краћења коментара који ће бити објављени. Коментаре који се односе на уређивачку политику можете послати на адресу webdesk@rts.rs. Поља обележена звездицом обавезно попуните.

среда, 04. децембар 2024.
5° C


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