субота, 19.07.2014, 14:52 -> 10:08
The Serbian Press 1914 - 1915
In the year 2014, the year of the jubilee, FOUR documentary one-hour episodes of the series “The Serbian Press 1914 – 1915” examine the crucial and in many ways the most interesting time for the Serbian press of the 20th century.
The first episode titled "The Roaring Press" shows the time period from the Sarajevo Assassination to the address of ultimatum to Serbia. This crucial time period is shown to the audience in vivid pictures, because the Serbian press entered the year 1914 in a busy and, as some might say, joyous mood. It could not have been any other way, because the Serbian newspapers experienced a true momentum after the shift of dynasties, when censorship was practically removed. King Peter himself was an avid reader of numerous satirical newspapers which were published at the time and which had, without exaggeration, shaped the character of the entire Serbian press in the early 20th century.
Genre: History
Country of production: Serbia
Year of production: 2014
Broadcast channel: RTS
Duration: 4x60' HD
Authors: Aleksandar Gatalica, Filip Colovic
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