Ukraine is ready to Celebrate Diversity in 2017

The Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (UA:PBC) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), today revealed the much-anticipated theme of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest; Celebrate Diversity. The Eurovision Song Contest will be held in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv with 43 countries participating. Both the slogan and artwork of the event give an insight into Ukrainian culture and a hint at what might be to come when fans visit the city in May.

Ukraine is ready to Celebrate Diversity in 2017 Ukraine is ready to Celebrate Diversity in 2017

Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, Jon Ola Sand said: "The notion of celebrating diversity builds on last year's theme of ‘Come Together' and is at the heart of Eurovision values: it is all-inclusive and all about countries around Europe, and beyond, joining together to celebrate both our common ground and our unique differences, as well as some great music".

Celebrate Diversity is the central message for this year's event and is complimented by a creative logo design based around a traditional Ukrainian bead necklace known as Namysto. More than just a piece of jewellery, Namysto is a protective amulet and a symbol of beauty and health. It is made up of many different beads, each with its own design and celebrates both diversity and individuality.

Jon Ola Sand continued, "Incorporating this beautiful and meaningful logo based on a traditional amulet gives not only a sense of history and heritage but also a modern look and feel. As the production grows from these themes, we are very much looking forward to seeing what is sure to be a fantastic event in May".

Executive Producer for UA:PBC Victoria Romanova said: "The logo cleverly combines traditional and modern elements, reflecting Ukrainian society and the main leitmotif of Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv. We are delighted that two of Ukraine's best creative agencies, Republique and Banda, united to produce this year's slogan and design".

Namysto - the basis of the theme artwork for 2017 EBU.

Using Namysto as the basis of their logo, the design agencies took a traditional piece and gave it a modern twist with the help of bright colours and vivid patterns. Each bead on this necklace has its own unique design and shape to symbolise a message that resonates throughout the Eurovision Song Contest; all of us are truly unique, and entwined by the common connection of our love for music.

Celebrating Diversity will be the key theme in all aspects of the Eurovision Song Contest from the communications, production and even the artists themselves. This year Ukraine will celebrate a collaboration of culture, technology and the individual creative flare of all 43 artists.

Executive Producer Oleksandr Kharebin commented; "This year, artists from over 40 different countries will come to Kyiv and contribute their music and culture to the show and we will add our unique Ukrainian flavour, together creating a celebration of Diversity and an amazing and truly memorable 2017 Eurovision Song Contest".

The Eurovision Song Contest has had an official logo since 2004, and Host Broadcasters are encouraged to develop an inclusive theme that captures the identity of their country and the show production.

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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