Kyiv to host Eurovision 2017!

Ukraine is set to host the Eurovision Song Contest for the second time.

Kyiv to host Eurovision 2017! Kyiv to host Eurovision 2017!

The European Broadcasting Union and the National Television Company of Ukraine (NTU) has revealed that the city chosen to host the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest in 2017 will be Kyiv! The city fought off strong competition from Odesa and Dnipro to host the Eurovision Song Contest following Jamala's win in Sweden this year with her song 1944.

Kyiv, located in the north-central part of Ukraine on the Dnieper River, is a modern city with everything visiting fans will need. From hotels and easy transport links to beautiful architecture, green spaces, nightlife and a rich history, the city has shown itself to be a worthy host.

Jon Ola Sand, the EBU's Executive Supervisor for the Eurovision Song Contest commented: "After a thorough selection process, we are very pleased to be announcing today that NTU will be working with Kyiv as host city for the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest. We would like to congratulate NTU on their extensive and careful assessments of each bid. Kyiv presented an excellent case and we are looking forward to working together to create the most electrifying show yet next May".

Deputy Director General of NTU, Victoria Romanova said: "In the course of the selection we were deeply impressed with the efforts made by the bidding cities, the professionalism of their teams and the serious approach to their participation in the Bid. The process has demonstrated an unprecedented interest in the Eurovision Song Contest in Ukraine. We look forward to maintaining that momentum, with thanks and congratulations to Kyiv - the host city of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest."

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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