Citizens from 17 countries apply to volunteer at Eurovision 2017

Citizens from 17 countries around the world, including Ukraine, have applied to be volunteers at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest. More than 7000 applications have been received by Host Broadcaster NTU. The age of the prospective candidates goes all the way up to 64 and applications have also been received from the United Arab Emirates and Australia. Interested parties have until 17th February to apply for a position.

Citizens from 17 countries apply to volunteer at Eurovision 2017 Citizens from 17 countries apply to volunteer at Eurovision 2017

After the closing date for applications the team will shortlist candidates for interview. There are currently 750 positions available. A large proportion of applications have been received from people with long-standing experience in volunteering at an international level. In addition to the languages of the participating countries, the list includes people who speak Swahili, Hindi, Indonesian and Arabic to name just a few.

"We were pleased to receive 1,500 completed applications during the first day of the volunteer selection. Now we have over 7000, including applications from citizens of 17 countries. We have received applications not only from neighbouring European countries but also from Australia, the United States, the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Korea. This shows that the world is following our preparations for Eurovision and that many guests from around the world will visit Ukraine in the spring", said Victoria Romanova, Executive Producer of Eurovision 2017.

Successful candidates will be given training in March and April and depending on the assigned role, some will take up their positions as early as March. Like so many large-scale international events, volunteers are an integral element of the Eurovision Song Contest and successful candidates will support both the Host City and Host Broadcaster both in the run-up to the show and during the event weeks. Volunteering provides candidates with unique experience and insight into the production of one of the largest television programmes in the world.

The 62nd Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Kyiv's International Exhibition Centre on 9th, 11th and 13th May 2017. Victoria Romanova and Oleksandr Kharebin will be the Executive Producers and 43 countries are set to participate, equaling the record number reached in 2008 and 2011.

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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