Our country at the Eurovision song contest

Yugoslavia was and has remained to this day the first and only socialist country to be the part of the European Broadcasting Union. In the post-war Europe, when the division into the East and the West, the communists and the capitalists, was largely on the rise, in 1961, Yugoslavia participated in the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time and continued participating until 1977, when it withdrew from the contest due to a series of bad rankings, only to return in 1981.

Our country at the Eurovision song contest Our country at the Eurovision song contest

Alongside the new manner of choosing a representative at the "Jugovizija" festival, Yugoslavia participated in the contest during the 1980s (with the exception of 1985, when it withdrew from it, because the date of the Eurovision coincided with the date of Tito's death, May 4th) until the disintegration of the state in 1992, when it participated, incomplete (without Croatian and Slovenian television), for the last time.

The most successful were the performers who represented TV Zagreb. The representatives of Zagreb television were chosen to be Yugoslavian representatives at the Eurovision Song Contest ten times, and they also achieved the best results, including the triumph of the group "Riva" in 1989 in Lausanne. At the same time, that was the only first place Yugoslavia won at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Due to sanctions, expulsion from the United Nations and the Council of Europe, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (later the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro) could not apply for the membership in the European Broadcasting Union. Not until the political changes took place, the regime of Slobodan Milošević was overthrown and pro-European forces took over could the process of rejoining the United Nations and the Council of Europe be initiated, which was the precondition for the membership in the EBU.

Only in 2002 did Yugoslavia (later the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro) actively start returning into the process of admission to the EBU, and, finally, in 2004, under a different name and in a completely new competition format, our country gave its performance on the Eurovision stage in Istanbul. After the semi-final, the song Lane moje (My Sweetheart) ranked second in the Grand Finale of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Next year, in 2005, the representative of Serbia and Montenegro was the group "No Name" from Podgorica, whose song Zauvijek moja (Forever Mine) took 7th place.

In 2006, the national selection for the representative of Serbia and Montenegro was rocked by a scandal, as the result of intense emotions in the two republics due to the initiative of Montenegrin authorities to hold a referendum regarding the independence of Montenegro. Poison arrows fired from both broadcasters, biased voting of Montenegrin jury members and the audience booing and leaving the Sava Centar hall in a protest at the national finale resulted in Serbia and Montenegro's withdrawal from the competition in Athens, although remaining a passive participant by joining the countries who had the right to vote, which is why the name of our country was, nevertheless, heard in the broadcast.

As early as next year, in 2007, Serbia and Montenegro, which had in the meantime become independent, performed at the competition in Helsinki. What happened there on May 12th shall be remembered by Serbia and its citizens as the most joyful moment in its recent history... Marija's Molitva (Prayer) conquered Europe!

The winner of the national competition for the representative of Serbia in 2008 in Belgrade was Jelena Tomašević with the song "Oro", composed by Željko Joksimović and written by Dejan Ivanović. Jelena's magnificent interpretation and quality of the composition "Oro" did not go unnoticed. Serbia finished sixth in the 53rd Eurovision Song Contest.

"Cipela" (Shoe) by Marko Kon in 2009 did not reach the final in Moscow, whereas in Oslo, Milan Stanković finished 13th with the song "Ovo je Balkan" (This is the Balkans") by Goran Bregović, at the 55th Eurovision Song Contest.

The charming and talented Nina Radojičić was the fifth Serbian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf. The song "Čaroban" (Magical) by Kristina Kovač was given enough points for the final by the large Eurovision audience and jury. In the final rankings, Serbia occupied the 14th place, out of 43 participants.

In 2012, the Radio Television of Serbia made a decision to appoint Željko Joksimović to represent Serbia at the 57th Eurovision Song Contest, which, for him, was the second time as the performer, and fifth in his career, at this prestigious musical event. He represented Serbia with the song "Nije ljubav stvar" (Love is not an Object), which occupied the splendid 3rd place, in the competition of 42 countries.

Serbia was, in 2013, represented by the group "Moje 3" with the song "Ljubav je svuda" (Love is everywhere), which did not manage to qualify for the final.

After a one-year pause, in 2015, Serbia returned to the jubilee 60th Eurovision Song Contest with the song performed by Bojana Stamenov who occupied the 10th place in the final.

In 2016, at the Eurovision, Serbia was represented by the young and talented Sanja Vučić with the song "Goodbye". She finished 18th in the final.



Name of the song

TV centre



Željko Joksimović

Lane moje (My Sweetheart)


1 (sf); 2 (f)


No Name

Zauvijek moja (Forever Mine)


7 (f)


Marija Šerifović

Molitva (Prayer)


1 (sf); 1 (f)


Jelena Tomašević



6 (f)


Marko Kon

Cipela (The Shoe)


10 (sf)* did not reach the final


Milan Stanković

Ovo je Balkan (This is the Balkans)


13 (f)



Čaroban (Magical)


14 (f)


Željko Joksimović

Nije ljubav stvar (Love is not an Object)


3 (f)


Moje 3

Ljubav je svuda (Love is Everywhere)


11 (sf) did not reach the final


Bojana Stamenov

Beauty never lies


10 (f)


Sanja Vučić ZAA

Goodbye (Shelter)


18 (f)

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недеља, 23. фебруар 2025.
0° C


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